Quang's Website
Welcome to my personal website! I plan to use this page to as a repository for some of the projects that I'm currently working on as well as a portfolio to showcase some of the things I've worked on in the past. This website is hosted on a Digital Ocean droplet, running an nginx webserver and using a website template taken from GitHub.
About me: My background is originally in international development - I've worked on development projects that span from Haiti to Liberia to India to Vietnam, and possess expertise in M&E, agricultural supply chains and agribusiness. But more recently, I've made the shift to tech and data-centric work. At Abt Global, I worked on a USAID Funded project to combat the Zika virus. In this capacity, I travelled frequently to the Carribean to train staff on mobile data collection methods and mapping using tools like ArcGIS and QGIS. At GDIT, I worked with the Office of Refugee Resettlement to build data pipelines that connect ORR with other agencies such as DHS, as well as created custom automation scripts that helped save ORR time and money.
What i'm doing
R Studio
I created an R Studio webapp that runs from this server so I have access to R no matter where I am.
R-Shiny Dashboard
I deployed a placeholder R-Shiny page on this website that will host any R-Shiny apps I develop in the future.
Web Scraping
I wrote a python script that uses Selenium and BeautifulSoup in order to parse html, then log onto the SAM.gov website and scrape Wage Determination documents from each of their directories and subdirectories. Since this is a public Google Colab notebook, anyone can use this script without needing to install python.
Ollama Free Server
This is another Colab script that runs a Large Language Model (via Ollama) using Google's cloud GPUs. I would host it on this server, but I'm not paying enough money for adequate compute resources.
LLM Chatbot
If you run the Colab script I wrote above (Ollama Free Server), this link will open up a webagent on this server that will allow you talk to the Chatbot that you just created on Google's servers!